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Color Copies


Price: $0.99

Please enter the number of color copies that you need us to print from your PDF file. RUSH FEES may apply.
B&W Copies


Price: $0.50

Please enter the number of pages that you need to be printed from your PDF file, to the shopping cart below. Rush fee may apply.
Document Reproducing


Price: $0.25

We will print your black/white pdf document if you email it to us. Please indicate how many pages in the Add-to-Cart window. Cost is .25/page.
Court Filing Ocala Court

We will process your paperwork at the courthouse to issue your summons, etc. Fee is per service.
Price is .99/mile based on round trip from Eustis, FL.     In the "Add to Cart" window, please specify the approximate round trip ... more info
Umatilla Process Server  Florida Zip Code 32784.  Licensed process servers for the 5th Judicial Court of Florida.  We specialize in ... more info
Pick up at your office


Price: $25.00

We prefer that documents are mailed to us, but if you prefer, we will pick them up at your office. Flat Fee.

Price: $80.00

Subpoenas only for matters regarding the 7th judicial court. Summons must be served by Volusia County Sheriffs Office unless special permission from ... more info
Mount Plymouth Process Server, Florida

Mount Plymouth Process Server Florida Zip Code 32776.  Licensed process servers for the 5th Judicial Court of Florida.  We specialize in ... more info
Process Server for Eustis Florida Zip Code 32736. Service of initial pleadings, summons, subpoenas or other official notices to respondents in a ... more info
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